Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm home now!

During the last few days after finishing work I spent time shopping and we went back to some of our favorite restaurants and places from the trip. We spent some of the time cleaning up the apartment before we left and packing our things. About three days before leaving I was really excited to go back home, but then on the last day I was feeling sad about leaving. I had a ton of fun in those last few days, and I think that was because all of us were off of work so there was nothing left that we ever really had to do if we didn’t feel like it.

After making it home, I am sure I want to go back sometime as soon as I can. I think the next thing I’d do is maybe return to focus on studying Chinese language, at least for awhile before doing anything else. I feel like I need a little more of a foundation for learning the language before I will be able to learn quickly just from going around and interacting with people. I definitely had a lot of fun though, and I am really happy that I went.

It’s not as strange of a feeling to be home as I thought it would be, at all. I kept thinking, ‘wow, how weird will it be to speak to everyone who speaks English again?’ but really it took virtually no time to get readjusted to being in the US. I just still feel like the places we spent all of our summer at aren’t that far away though… as if I could just return quickly if I wanted to, despite it being almost 24 hours of travel time away.

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