Sunday, June 10, 2007

Great Wall

Today we went to the great wall, as one might imagine from the title of my post... anyway, it was great. Brian and I climbed really high up... as far as they would let us go but then it was pretty much past time to go back anyway. It was extremely hot at some parts but it was a lot of fun and it was my favorite place we've been so far. I still haven't figured out how to post pictures so I'll eventually put them up on some site and post a link. We got to see some of the country and smaller towns, and the driving that goes on here is pretty crazy compared to at home sometimes. I think we saw 3 accidents on the 3 hour drive home and spent a lot of the time on the wrong side of the road. Oh, and I found out that in China the rules for drinking in a car are different from in the US. Here, only the driver is not allowed to drink in the car, so I had a beer in the car on the way home... I think that makes a lot more sense than what we do at home.

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